About Us

We'll keep it short.

At our core, we are a vegan clothing company who believes compassion will always look good on you, no matter who you are or what you look like.

Animals are consistently and unnecessarily being abused, exploited, tortured and ultimately killed for the most trivial of things. Like any other injustice in our history, the only way we eradicate these everyday atrocities is by speaking up. So spreading the message and reminding people that there's a more compassionate way to live is what we're all about.

Oh, and if you're reading this and you're not vegan, maybe click here so you have a better idea as to why we do what we do.

So how does compassion fit into our business model?

All of our products use fibers and inks that are certified vegan, which means no animal products or animal byproducts are ever used in the making of our clothes.

But it's not just animals who deserve moral consideration, humans do too. For example, all of our products are created under the fundamental standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Fair Wear Foundation’s Code of Labour Practices (CoLP) listed below.

Fair Wear Labour Standards:
☑ Employment is freely chosen
☑ There is no discrimination in employment
☑ No exploitation of child labour
☑ Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
☑ Payment of a living wage
☑ No excessive working hours
☑ Safe and healthy working conditions
☑ Legally binding employment relationship

To learn more about these labor standards, click here.

TLDR: We just want people to leave animals the fuck alone.